My Top Breast Pumping Tips + Milkology Back to Work Pumping Class Review
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025

By Liesel Teen BSN, RN
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Are you here to learn more about what it takes to be a pumping mama? Looking for breast pumping tips?
Whether you’re planning on returning to work as a breastfeeding mama or looking more into being an exclusive pumper (yes, those mamas exist, and rock!!), I’ve got some good breast pumping tips for you!
The reality is, if you’re breastfeeding your little one and you plan on returning to work for more than 4+ hours at a time…you’ll have to get acquainted with a breast pump to maintain your milk supply.
I bet you’re still on maternity leave, and trying to wrap your head around this whole pumping thing…I mean, breastfeeding is one thing. (It’s hard, don’t get me wrong there!)
But pumping…pumping is a whole ‘nother ball-game!
- There’s parts you have to put together, valves you have to sanitize, directions you have to follow…
- New words you have to learn like…
- Flanges…open vs. closed system…let-down-mode…duckbill valve…
Whaaaa! Pumping is like speaking another language sometimes…Just ask my husband. (He had no idea what I was talking about half the time!)
Luckily, I’ve got the pumping tips and resources you need to succeed!
Table of Contents
- My experience with pumping when I went back to work
- My top 8 breast pumping tips
- Number one breast pumping tip? Take the Milkology back to work pumping class!
- Who is the Milkology back to work pumping class for?
- What will I learn in the Milkology back to work pumping class?
- How much is the Milkology back to work pumping class?
My experience with pumping when I went back to work
I had to teach myself everything I know about pumping. Heck, it took me a good 2 MONTHS being back at work before I could really call myself a pro-pumper. And quite frankly, that was way too long and really bummed me out.
Pumping is totally the kind of thing that most ladies learn as they go…
I had played with my pump, and pumped what I needed for work before my first day back (about 50oz), but I didn’t really take into consideration the mechanics of what I needed while I was there, how to pack my pump bag, and how to clean my parts while I was at work.
Related Reading: Bottle Feeding Essentials
My supply tanked
I was kinda unprepared…and my milk supply definitely diminished the day I went back to work. How do I know that?
I pumped the most I EVER pumped on DAY ONE back at work…16 oz. After that first day, my body started to say, “wait a second…you aren’t nursing your baby…this feels different” and my supply dropped.
Related Reading: How to Increase Milk Supply
There was a lot I was (unknowingly) doing wrong
- Using the wrong kind of pump for my body
- My settings were all crazy
- I wasn’t pumping for long enough
And, once I started to realize all of this…it was kind of too late. My supply never got back up to where it once was (regardless of how much oatmeal I ate!).
I should have prepared better to pump when I returned to work after baby
I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. The very best way to rock pumping and get ALL the info you need BEFORE you need to go back to work and pump!? Milkology’s Online Back To Work Pumping Class!
It’ll be the best $29 you ever spent.
But I’m not gonna leave you totally hanging. Let me share some of my tips (that I’ve learned along the way and in the class)
Related Reading: Thinking About Weaning? Read me…
My top 8 breast pumping tips
- Reach out to your employer or HR department before you return to make sure they have a pumping space ready for you. By law they have to provide you with a place to pump that is NOT a bathroom and give you time to pump in your day
- Think through the logistics of how often you’ll need to pump and where you’ll fit it into your work schedule. It needs to take priority in order to keep your supply up!
- Make sure your pump flanges fit you well! This can seriously undermine how much milk you yield and your comfort while pumping. A lactation consultant can help with this, and so will the back to work pumping class!
- DRINK TONS OF WATER. Hydration is super key to maintaining supply especially when you’re pumping more than baby is at the breast
- Get an awesome hands free pumping bra, or learn about a pump that’s wearable (say WHAT!)
- Be consistent. Try to pump at the same times every day you’re at work (this will help you maintain supply)
- Refrigerate your pump parts while you’re at work so that you don’t have to wash them after each pumping sessions. This saves so much time!
- Keep an extra set of pump parts (and even a pump) at work so you don’t have to lug it back and forth
- Take the back to work pumping class – more on this below!
Number one breast pumping tip? Take the Milkology back to work pumping class!
You WILL have an easier time keeping up your supply and making pumping work if you take this course.
The transition back to work ends up being the end to breastfeeding for TOO many mamas here in the US. This doesn’t have to be your story.
Stacy, the expert who teaches the Milkology breastfeeding and pumping classes, is a real life mama who communicates well, is an awesome teacher, and thought of EVERYTHING to help you succeed at this.
There is no handbook for pumping at work – until now!
Who is the Milkology back to work pumping class for?
Well, I’d totally recommend this class to any pregnant mama planning on returning back to work after maternity leave.
Heck, if you’re planning on using a breast pump AT ALL…this class is worth it!
Related Reading: Could EXCLUSIVE pumping be right for you?
What will I learn in the Milkology back to work pumping class?
- How to choose the right pump and MAKE SURE IT FITS
- Info on how you’ll store milk safely on the go
- Pro pumping tips
- A powerful strategy to maximize milk expression
- 4 easy ways you can build a freezer stash of milk on maternity leave
- How to get your baby to take a bottle with ease
- A step-by-step process to make a plan with your employer
- 7 practical tips to ease your transition
- Exactly what to do if you’re not pumping enough milk
…and much more!
How much is the Milkology back to work pumping class?
The best part is…it’s totally budget friendly! Just like Milkology’s Online Breastfeeding Course, this class sells for $29!
(That’s way less than the amount you’ll spend on a hands-free-pumping bra!)
Milkology coupon code!
You can use code MLN10 on ANY of the Milkology course for 10% off.
- Milkology Online Breastfeeding Class
- Milkology Back to Work Pumping Class
- Milkology Exclusive Pumping Class
What are you waiting for? Go enroll today.
Make your return to work easier by checking this off your list and having peace of mind that pumping will be smoother sailing.
Save yourself the worry and stress. There’s a solution.
Happy Pumping, Mama!!

By Liesel Teen BSN, RN
As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!