Hey mamas! As a labor and delivery nurse, I see all sorts of amazing things every day. But one product that consistently impresses me is the Haakaa pump. This little silicone wonder has become a lifesaver for countless breastfeeding mamas.
This handy device helps you build a freezer stash while you’re nursing baby, clears clogged ducts, relieves engorgement, and may even help build your supply.
Let’s dive into ALL the details about the amazing Haakaa pump and get to the bottom of why I think it’s a must-have for every breastfeeding mom.
The Haakaa was created in New Zealand and truly is a one-of-a-kind device. It’s a simple, one-piece pump made entirely from silicone. That means it’s totally non-toxic and there’s no risk of leeching chemicals like BPAs, phthalates, etc.
The top opening looks like the flange part of a traditional pump, but that flange is connected to the collection container. This makes it really easy to clean and use!
The bottom of the pump has a suction cup, which is perfect for preventing spills when you finishing using it and need to place it down. It also comes with a cap that seals over the top flange, which means it’s easy to transport your collected breastmilk without worrying about leaks.
Because it works entirely on suction, once you get your Haakaa positioned on the boob, it’s hands-free.
This means you can literally feed baby on one side, collect milk for later on the other, and scroll Instagram at the exact same time!
The really cool thing about the Haakaa is just how many uses it has! For sure, the most popular way to use the Haakaa is the one I described above. That is, using it to collect milk on the opposite breast while you’re feeding baby.
In most tutorials and reviews, that’s how you will see mamas using their Haakaa, and honestly, that’s primarily how you’ll probably use it, too! But, I wanted to give you a complete list of ways to use your Haakaa – Haakaa hacks, if you will ?
Related Reading: What to do When Breastfeeding Hurts?
Using the Haakaa is so easy compared to electric pumps, hands-free pumps, and even traditional hand pumps! Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Related Reading: A Complete Guide to Hand Expressing Breastmilk
I used my Haakaa almost every day for the first few months to collect milk on the opposite breast while I was nursing my baby.
I’m someone who ALWAYS lets down on both sides when baby is feeding, and the thought of wasting the milk on the other side to a breast pad, or soaked into my bra always made me want to cry.
When I discovered the Haakaa as a way to collect that milk, I never looked back. Let’s take a look at the pros.
Overall, the Haakaa is super affordable, with three different options and price points in the $12 to $40 range. Here’s a quick rundown of the options:
In my opinion, the Haakaa Gen 2 is the way to go! This is the one I had, and the one I most recommend to mamas who will primarily use it to collect milk while nursing baby. If your budget is tight, Gen 1 is still a great option.
Because it’s one piece, it makes it super easy to wash this little guy and have it ready for the next use. If you’ve worked with pump parts before, washing them can be a total pain. And breastmilk has a way of leaving a sort of oily residue that is tough to clean!
Also, the fact that it’s hands-free, and requires no electricity really can’t be beat.
Earlier in the article, I shared all of the different ways you can use your Haakaa – it’s really pretty amazing! So, yeah, versatility is definitely a big pro for the Haakaa.
So other “milk catchers” on the market, that simply catch your dripping letdown on the opposite side, get a bad rap because they only catch the foremilk. Without getting too into the composition of breast milk, basically, your milk contains foremilk (more water content) and hindmilk (higher fat content).
What’s cool about the Haakaa, is that because it attaches to your boob with suction, you will get the fatty hindmilk in addition to the more watery foremilk while you are feeding baby on the other side.
Lots of mamas have compared the milk they collect with the Haakaa to their pump, and found similar fat content – pretty cool!
Related Reading: Breastfeeding Essentials Every Mom Needs
The only real con to the Haakaa that I see is that it can’t take the place of a traditional pump. That might not surprise some of you, but I don’t want anyone to read this and think they can get away with only getting a Haakaa.
Sure, there are moms that exclusively breastfeed, don’t pump, and can have just this. But if you plan to pump regularly, are heading back to work, or will regularly be away from baby for extended periods of time, you’re going to need a traditional pump, too.
Related Reading: Is the Willow Pump Worth the Cost?
Engorgement, that uncomfortable fullness and swelling in your breasts, is a common experience for breastfeeding mamas, especially in the early days. But don’t worry, the Haakaa pump can be your new best friend in finding relief!
It’s important to remember that the Haakaa is not a substitute for frequent breastfeeding or pumping. Continue to feed your baby on demand to help regulate your milk supply and prevent further engorgement
Now that you’ve learned everything you need to know about the Haakaa, check out some of our other articles!
We can help you rock the breastfeeding days, whether you’re researching before you’re due or already in the throes of it – we’ve got you!