8 of the Best Pregnancy Podcasts to Subscribe to ASAP

Hi Mama! I put together a list of some the best pregnancy podcasts out there so that you can fill your listening queue with all things pregnancy.

This crazy thing happens when you’re pregnant. Suddenly all you want to do is talk about, read about, learn about, and listen to as much pregnancy-related content as possible. I’m a labor and delivery nurse so I’m kind of partial, but this is a thing!

In fact, in my pregnancy email series, I tell my pregnant mamas to get obsessed with birth and pregnancy. Consuming this type of content is an awesome way to get educated and prepared.

Specifically, pregnancy podcasts are an awesome resource to add to your list! You guys know I love Instagram as a way to share information visually, but it does have its limitations.

I love the pregnancy podcast format because it allows for elaboration! You really get a deep dive on different topics related to pregnancy, birth, and beyond. And often you’ll get to hear all different voices, birth stories, expert interviews, and more.

Ready to hit that subscribe button on a BUNCH of the best pregnancy podcasts out there? Here are my top picks!

Follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over 650k for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast

If you’re not already listening to my podcast, check it out, mama! Like I said above, the whole reason I created the Mommy Labor Nurse podcast was because some topics need expansion and elaboration that you just can’t do on Instagram.

The goal behind the Mommy Labor Nurse podcast is to educate and inform. I know that knowledge is the key to a better pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience.

You’ll hear episodes on a variety of pregnancy-related topics, expert interviews, and all different kinds of birth stories. We also educate on topics surrounding postpartum, breastfeeding, newborns, and mental health!

I always try to present the information in a way that’s educational, entertaining, and empowering.

FYI – you can listen to my most popular episode here!

Evidence Based Birth Podcast

Evidence Based Birth is one of my favorite pregnancy, birth, and postpartum resources out there. They do a wonderful job of researching hot topics in this space and presenting the research in an easy-to-understand format. This supports mamas to have more informed births.

The Evidence Based Birth podcast is an excellent extension of this! On this podcast you get to hear a serious deep dive into topics. This allows for an even more thorough understanding than from reading the articles on their site alone.

This podcast is as popular with medical professionals as it is with pregnant mamas. It’s simply one of the best when it comes to understanding the current research out there on pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Birth Stories in Color

Birth Stories in Color is a podcast that provides a platform for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino and Multiracial individuals to have their birth stories celebrated and heard. The hosts, Laurel Gourrier and Danielle Jackson, explain that their goal is to have a space that raises these voices in the transformative experience of birth.

Listening to birth stories is one of the best ways to prepare for birth. Hearing the experience of others has a powerful impact on our own experience. It also creates awareness of the different ways birth can unfold and the various paths that lead to motherhood.

I love that this podcast specifically gives a voice to women of color. Representation matters in all facets of life and finding representation in the birth stories you hear is no exception!

The Birth Hour

The Birth Hour is one of the most popular and well-known pregnancy podcasts out there. They have one of the most robust and comprehensive collections of birth stories all in one place!

What I love about The Birth Hour is the way it celebrates all different types of birth. There’s such a sense of representation and inclusivity. Their birth stories span categories from vaginal births, C sections, and VBACs, to surrogacy, adoption, transgender birth, and everything in between!

The Birth Hour is hosted by Bryn Huntpalmer, a mother of two with a passion for helping other women have informed and empowered births.

If These Ovaries Could Talk

This is a hilarious podcast that, in their words, is about non-traditional families making babies and parenting in a straight world. On If These Ovaries Could Talk you’ll hear the successes, trials, and tribulations associated with making an LGBTQ+ family.

These ladies raise the voices of non-traditional families. They provide a place for the LGBTQ+ community to have their voices heard and hear experiences like their own. There’s a lot that goes into making a family as an LGBTQ+ individual. These ladies help it feel a lot less lonely with a healthy dose of humor!

As an L&D RN, this podcast helps me to better understand the experiences of some of my patients which I love!

The VBAC Link Podcast

You may already know that I’m a BIG advocate for VBACs whenever possible. The VBAC Link podcast has a huge collection of positive VBAC birth stories. Additionally, you’ll find up to date and unbiased information about VBACs, Cesareans, pregnancy, and more.

You’ll love hearing the entertaining, inspiring, and encouraging birth stories on this podcast! While the majority are VBAC birth stories, there’s also a healthy dose of CBAC stories (that is mamas who hoped to VBAC but had repeat Cesareans) and even HBACs (home births after Cesareans).

I think this podcast is a fabulous way for mamas, hoping to VBAC, to find information and support. But it’s also a place for mamas that may not have succeeded with their VBAC to find peace and process their experience.

Pregnancy Confidential

This week-by-week pregnancy podcast is created by the popular website Parents. It’s cool because there is one episode of the podcast for each week of pregnancy.

Each week has tips and info specific to that week, and mamas I’ve talked to like the fact that there’s always an episode waiting for you that’s super relevant to where you’re at in pregnancy.

Just be aware that compared to other pregnancy podcasts on this list, these episodes are on the shorter side and definitely don’t do the deep dive into topics you might be looking for in a podcast. It’s not as research driven as other options and you won’t hear expert interviews.

All About Pregnancy and Birth Podcast

This is a very well-rounded and informative podcast hosted by practicing OB/GYN Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins. She presents information on a variety of pregnancy related topics, complications, and risk factors in an easy to digest and unbiased way.

You’ll also find expert interviews and birth stories that share the experience of all different women and types of birth. There’s a nice variety of serious and fun on this highly reviewed podcast!

Get listening, mama!

With these pregnancy podcast recommendations, your ears will be full of the best in pregnancy audio content. Give them all a try and find the ones that best resonate with you and YOUR experience.

Not sure when to listen? I love catching up on podcasts while I clean the house, commute to work, or exercise.

Happy listening!!

Have a pregnancy podcast you can’t live without? Let’s keep the list going!


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