Looking for a detailed third trimester checklist to help you get prepared before you’re due? I’m so glad you’re here! I put together this checklist to help you know what you need to do in these final 12 weeks.
But I wanted this to be a lot more than just a list. Because I know that if I’ve got some resources and understand the WHY behind doing something, I’m a lot more likely to actually do it!
So here you’ll find a list of what you need to get done, extra information, and any necessary resources to help make it a little bit easier.
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Once you hit the third trimester, it’s really important to tune into your baby’s daily movements.
Research shows that kick counting is a free and SUPER effective way for mamas to track baby’s wellbeing in the womb, spot potential problems, and prevent stillbirth!
This is updated info from @countthekicksus that we put together in collaboration with PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy – an incredible organization dedicated to ending preventable stillbirth.
Remember, we would so much rather you come in and have an NST done that checks out totally normal than have an emergency go unnoticed.
Related Reading: Non-Stress Tests During Pregnancy Explained
All right, so for this one, mamas usually like to wait until after their baby shower because that is when you’ll get a lot of things from your registry. What I recommend is taking inventory of what you have and what you still need and getting on that.
Once you have everything, the third trimester is the time to put it all in place. Here are some of the things involved:
If you’re still looking for some nursery inspiration, we’ve got a great article to help!
Related Reading: Small Space Nursery Tips and Tricks + Gender Neutral Nursery Ideas
Building off the nursery, I want you to make sure you assemble all the other baby gear too! Having things set up, in their spot, and ready to go is going to make your life SO much easier. It also gives you a chance to kinda figure things out before you have to use them.
I think you’ll also be surprised at just how annoying assembling those baby loungers and swings can really be, hah!
Here are some things to get set up and practice using:
I decided to give this one its own section on this third-trimester checklist because it’s really essential! You can’t leave the hospital without a car seat actually. You definitely want your car seat installed before you are full-term, but a little lead time is even better.
Again, I recommend utilizing YouTube to get your infant car seat installed correctly and to familiarize yourself with how to attach the seat to the base. Once YOU think you have it right, I cannot urge you enough to go get it checked by a Car Seat Safety Tech.
To find one in your area, you can call your town hall and they will be able to point you to when and where car seat safety checks happen. If you don’t have any luck with that, your hospital and good old Google can also help.
Related Reading: Let’s Talk about Infant Car Seat Safety with a CPST
It’s no secret that birth is on the horizon. And for so many of you I know that evokes a feeling of fear or anxiety. And mostly, that’s because birth is unknown! Well, one of the best ways to erase some of the unknown is with education. Knowledge is power you guys!
And that’s the whole goal behind Mommy Labor Nurse. All of the content I put out on Instagram, into blog posts, and in the Mommy Labor Nurse birth courses are meant to uncover the unknown of birth and give you a better idea of what to expect.
Too many mamas don’t even know what to ask or what they need to know to have a better birth. “You don’t know what you don’t know” as they say.
And too many mamas have traumatic or stressful birth experiences because they weren’t exposed to more information beforehand about what to expect and various outcomes.
And if you have a specific type of birth in mind? Education might be EVEN more important. I’ve met a lot of mamas that said they wanted a natural birth but didn’t do anything to prepare. That’s where a birth course can come in.
Related Reading: 10 Things Not to Skip As You Prepare for Labor and Birth
If you’ve been around the Mommy Labor Nurse community, then you know that I am a big birth plan advocate. It’s not that I think you need a birth plan as a binding contract, but it’s actually the exercise of CREATING a birth plan that is so valuable.
When you use a great birth plan template, it will alert you to all the options that exist, and put things on your radar related to birth that you didn’t even know about. It will spark dialogue between you and your partner, and get you thinking about what you REALLY want from this experience.
It will also prepare you to ask questions to your provider and help you better understand standard policies and practices at your birth place. Overall, there is very little downside to taking the time to think through your birth via a birth plan!
My team and I created a comprehensive and totally FREE birth plan template just for you! And once you fill it out, be sure to tag me on IG so I can show you some love ?
Related Reading: How to Make a Birth Plan: An L&D Nurse’s Guide
I know, I know. Putting this on your third trimester checklist might feel a little crazy. It may even seem like a lifetime away! But doing some prep now will make for a smoother maternity leave AND eventual return to work.
Here are some important things I want you to have on your radar:
So many mamas go into birth well prepared and have the intention to exclusively breastfeed, but don’t take any steps to make that a reality! So for that reason, preparing to breastfeed is an important item on this third trimester checklist.
The challenges and learning curve associated with breastfeeding are just not talked about enough among pregnant mamas. And I want to make sure you know differently.
Just like I always say that to have a confident and empowered birth you need to have some childbirth education; I feel the same way about breastfeeding! Just wanting to succeed at it CAN work, but why not go into it totally prepared and educated?
Related Reading: Breastfeeding Essentials You Need as a Nursing Mama
Related Reading: Pumping Essentials: 10 Things Every Pumping Mama Needs
I always like to tell third trimester mamas to familiarize themselves with the signs and stages of labor. These are two topics we go into at length in both versions of our online birth class, but let me give you a brief overview here.
What’s most important to remember is that your due date is really just an estimate. Every baby and pregnancy is different and it’s IMPOSSIBLE to know exactly when that sweet babe will make their appearance.
According to birth data put out the CDC in 2017:
Most interesting to me (and maybe it’s because I work in L&D?) in 1997 the percentage of births at 42+ weeks was 57%!!
That’s probably for a few reasons including dating ultrasounds weren’t as good, which meant less accurate due dates, and the rates of inductions and scheduled/elective C-sections are far higher these days.
Here are a few clues that labor might be imminent:
And remember, some women have no warning signs!
Related Reading: All About Water Breaking During Pregnancy
Knowing the right way to count your contractions is really important for laboring at home and deciding when it’s time to head to the hospital. So this is definitely something I want you to learn about before you’re actually in labor!
When we talk about timing contractions we talk about two main things, duration and frequency. Here are some more details about those two terms:
There are quite a few awesome and free apps to help you time contractions. I love to tell mamas to download one and get familiar with it before you’re in labor so that you’re ready to use it when things pick up.
I usually tell mamas to begin packing their hospital bag in week 35 and to aim for it to be totally ready by 37 weeks. It’s totally possible you could go all the way until 41+ weeks. But once it’s done, IT’S DONE so it’s better to be safe than leave your partner to do the packing for you, hah!
I know I wouldn’t have wanted to rely on my husband to pack my bag at the last minute…but I’ve also seen mamas show up to L&D with literally nothing because they had to rush here—and everything worked out fine. We truly have all the essentials.
Without further ado, here are my hospital bag recs. Basically, these are the top items I know I was glad to have or that I’ve seen other mamas bring and thought—hey, that was a good idea! Like I already said, everything you absolutely need, the hospital will have, but these items will make you a little more comfortable on the big day:
So these are just my top recommendations. I obviously didn’t put the basics for any time you’re staying away from your house.
For a complete list, check out this article if you’re having a vaginal birth, and this one just for my C-section mamas! And for a full list of postpartum recovery items, head to this article!
Yes! I always like to put a few fun things on these trimester to do lists, because it can’t all be about DOING, am I right? Taking some time to intentionally connect with your partner in these final weeks is so important.
I actually put together a list of five creative date ideas for expecting couples inside of the article, 8 Fun Things to Do During Pregnancy! Go check ‘em out ?
By the time you get to the end of the third trimester, I know a lot of you are just ready to be done. The thing is, going into labor naturally really is the best option. Induction has its time and place and is wonderful for women for whom induction is medically necessary.
But simply wanting pregnancy to be over? As hard as it may be, letting baby come when they’re ready really is best! Research shows that spontaneous labor is associated with fewer maternal complications.
BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t try to help things along a bit…
Let me share some of the top natural ways to induce labor. Have a little fun this week to see if you can get things going (with your provider’s go ahead of course!)
Admittedly, many of these suggestions aren’t backed up with much research, but HEY you never know!
All right, I want to wrap up this article with a few more points! These ones didn’t need their own sections, but it doesn’t make them less important. Let’s take a look:
Well mama, I know pregnancy is a long journey, but you really are in the home stretch! This article should give you some great resources to get everything done before baby arrives.
Before I go, I want to share a few more birth prep and third trimester articles to help you keep the preparations going: